nerve pain Fredericksburg, VA

Nerve Pain Issues

There are more than 600 diseases that affect the nervous system. All need special attention. Neurological disorders are diseases of the brain, spine and the nerves that connect them. We have many patients who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, strokes, TBIs, Multiple Sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and more.

Not only do we work on nerve problems originating from central nervous system nerve problems, but most prized conditions we treat are from peripheral nerve issues. That is nerve problems away from the brain but in the neck or back, but down to the arms, and legs. There are many patients suffering from undiagnosed cervical plexus problems, brachial plexus problems, or axillary nerves, femoral, obturator, sciatic nerve, or tibial nerve pain.

Bell’s Palsy is considered a temporary condition and many doctors and patients do not know if they can get help from physical therapy. We suggest immediate help within 14 days for a full regeneration and a medicinal treatment by the primary doctors right away such as steroids or anti-inflammatory right away. Even though you may have passed the most critical time, you should seek help from the therapists at Hilltop Physical Therapy. We have very unique cranial nerve treatments to regenerate the nerves and prevent you from living with the asymmetry from bell’s palsy when left untreated.

We will design exercises specific to the exact muscles you are weak in and work with your tissues in the face to resolve the asymmetry as well as in the cranium.

Those with trigeminal nerves or any facial pain, can be helped with the niche, proactive practice we have for the craniofacial symptoms. We have some very complex patients dealing with not only trigeminal pain but detrimental problems leading to headaches, face pain, eye pain, ear pain, and balance issues or visual problems it causes.

For those patients with nerve pain in the extremities where surgery is not an option, are perfect candidates for our nerve treatments, that are very gentle and effective. We also have customized exercises that can bring back full strength and function.

Comprehensive Treatment

Our Physical therapists at Hilltop Physical Therapy can help improve or restore the mobility you need to move forward with your life. If you are looking for a possible alternative to surgery and/or pain medication, contact us at Hilltop and schedule an examination.

  • Range-of-Motion Exercises
  • Muscle Strengthening
  • Manual Therapy
  • Nerve treatments
  • Bracing or taping
  • Activity Recommendations
  • Modalities

Contact our offices today

It doesn’t matter what your pain condition might be, our dedicated therapists at Hilltop Physical Therapy are waiting to greet you with a smile and offer solutions to your problems. You deserve to live a life free of pain and discomfort, so give us a call today!